TLAR Version Notes

TLAR 6.23

Added Cessna T240 (Also known as TTx or Cessna 400) and Vans RV-12iS aircraft -all versions

Changed max weight limit to published max plus 100lb –all versions

Improved modeling of turbo-charged engines in other than standard-day temperatures (affects SR22T, T240, K7SS) -all versions

Adjusted Clock Solar data to compute solar times for your current location or for the active landing zone depending on your selection of elevation-source (GSL/Manual = current location or TDZE = LZ location). -pro -expert

Changed the way TLAR defines takeoff distance over fence height on sloped runways (see manual version 6.23 or later) to account for runway slope. -pro -expert

Known Issues

Apple changed the privacy permissions required to use the iOS barometer starting with iOS 17.4+. If you don't get a prompt to do so, go into Settings/TLAR and switch on Motion and Fitness to enable iBaro

Text labels will be slightly off if user places their phone or ipad in "Zoomed" mode [Settings/Display and Brightness/Display Zoom].

Using the iOS built-in software rotation button will scramble the screen.

App would freeze if map zoomed in or re-oriented by user. This is a known Apple bug, fixed in iOS 16.4. These features disabled if iOS is not 16.4 or better.